Customers buy from who they believe

  • June 26, 2019

Besides all of the technical terms and results that we usually use when we refer to Influencer Marketing, we can affirm that the first thing that a brand has (or should have) in mind is touching people’s hearts somehow, right? And with that, Influencer Marketing can -definitely- help!

MatchUp, as an Influencer Marketing Agency, offers the Tracking phase in our work. That’s when we are looking for the Creators who can bring that kind of sensation to your brand’s customer. We believe that the right person exists and the brand can amplify the product’s visibility by borrowing the influencer’s relevance.

Influencers build trust

With that in mind, we remember that the purpose of Influencer Marketing is authenticity. Creators are themselves and have structured their audience with this “strategy” (that’s what differs them from celebrities, that normally develop a character). Influencers are in hype because they share emotions in their daily life, and this is powerful. Create content that will cause the audience to laugh, cry, ponder, or learn something new, and this brings engagement and strengthen the relationship with them. So, when we are looking for a personality, we have to keep that in mind and let them be free to talk with their audience in their own manners, because they’ve built credibility.

During the Tracking process, it is very important to pay attention to the history of the influencer and investigate if he will be able to bring Genuine Interest to the campaign. Once popularity and engagement are not synonymous all the questions have to be aligned with the campaign goal.

For the “Match” to happen, we can divide influencers in 3 categories (defined by YouPix):

  • Alfa: who creates trends and have a huge volume of followers
  • Beta: Spreads trending topics in a spontaneous way
  • MainStream: Consume and replicate trends

What are your brand up to spread? Let’s make a team and put it on in the most professional and truthful way.





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